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What does Rotary do?

Here is one life we have touched, and through this life, many others.

On a high, rocky plateau overlooking Lake Victoria, a Kenyan mother and father named their baby Precious Gift. The couple died before the girl had lived three years, so she was sent to live with her grandmother. This little family had no hope and no food. Because of the Rotary Club of Dunedin, Precious got the opportunity to go to an excellent school nearby, where she also gets two meals a day, clothes, shoes, a blanket, and free healthcare. Most importantly, Precious found a safe place at school and a loving support team of teachers who love her. She is experiencing community.

Dunedin Rotary members said, “What ELSE can we do?” and provided Precious and her grandmother with an improved home, beds, and some chickens. The generosity of Rotary members overflowed to the school to buy textbooks and library books that will serve many children in addition to Precious.

Our work with Precious is through a non-profit organization, Straw to Bread. Our charitable donations of $450 comes directly from our Rotary Club’s Foundation and will continue through high school.

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