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Officers & Directors 2024-25

President: David Shelor

President-Elect: David Bramley

President-Elect Designate:

Treasurer: David Bramley

Secretary: Pat Bauer

Assistant Secretary: Arlene Ryan-Veldhuis

Immediate Past President: David Kelley


Linda Christle

Tammy Heisler

Ken Rejko

Julie Scales

Larry Franklin

Sergeant-at-Arms: Chuck Dean

Committee Chairs 2024-25

Community Image: Dena Hurst

Community Service & Fellowship: Linda Christle

Grants: David Kelly

Fishing Tournament: Linda Christle 

Interact High School: Larry Franklin

Interact Middle School: Open

International: Bev Fisher

Literacy: Pat Bauer

Membership: Ken Rejko

Programs: July Scales

Public Image: Dena Hurst

Scholarship: Larry Franklin

Triathlon: Larry Franklin

Wendy Barmore Music Scholarship: Kent McRae 

Rotary Intl Foundation: Open

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