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Rotary Club of Dunedin Literacy Committee Presented Gift To Academie DaVinci

On the morning of March 11 at the Academie DaVinci, Pat Bauer Literacy Chair of the Literacy Committee with the Rotary Club of Dunedin, joined by club President Larry Franklin and club member Bev Fisher met with the students and staff. Also present were Diana Carsey and Gayle Hill of Heifer International. The five of us were present to present a gift to the school due to a challenge the students accepted. This challenge consisted of the students having to read for 20,000 minutes. Well, the students reached that goal and surpassed it. The students read for an outstanding 40,000 minutes. Since the students met this goal, Pat Bauer presented a check to the school for $600. BUT, there is a catch, the mailing envelope stated it was from Academie DaVinci and not to the Academie. The envelope was to be mailed to Heifer International. At this point, the students are scratching their heads; hey, what gives? Well, Ms. Bauer informed them that you won the challenge, but you are not receiving the gift. You are giving the gift to Heifer International from the students at Academie DaVinci, funded by the Dunedin Rotary Club. At this point, Ms. Carsey with Heifer International took over and explained what Heifer International is all about to the students.

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