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Ukraine/District 6950 Rotary Task Force Gathering

The District 6950 Rotary Ukrainian Task Force and our new Ukrainian friends and neighbors recently came together for an authentic Ukrainian dinner! The theme was Deepening our Friendships!

It was a wonderful collaborative effort between Our Lady of Hope Ukrainian Church, Olena Veskelini of Veskolini’s Cafe, and our District Ukrainian Task Force. The highlight of the evening was putting faces and stories together. What a great time of fellowship and food.

Over 18 months after Russia invaded Ukraine, our local response started out by sending supplies and resources. We had to shift gears when refugees began showing up at our door. Rotarians provided housing, transportation, employment, childcare, and education.

About 40 Rotarians and Ukrainians gathered to support a cause that demands our attention. Thank you everyone for coming! Also, thanks in advance to those of you who will join us with your support in the future!

Beverly Fisher-The Rotary Club of Dunedin

Terry Collier-Seminole Lake Rotary

Chuck Oldanie-Seminole Lake Rotary


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